Motion for New Trial Filed in 1984 Geronimo Bank Robbery Case
Local News

Motion for New Trial Filed in 1984 Geronimo Bank Robbery Case 

Lawton, OK –Robert Grady Johnson, who has been serving a life sentence for his involvement in the 1984 Geronimo bank robbery that resulted in the deaths of four people, has filed a motion for a new trial. The motion, submitted to the court recently, cites newly uncovered evidence that Johnson’s defense team argues was withheld during the original trial.

The new evidence came to light during the production of a documentary titled Geronimo. One of the key pieces of evidence involves a statement from an FBI agent featured in the film, who claims that he was 16 miles away from the crime scene at the time of the robbery and subsequent murders. This revelation contradicts earlier testimony and raises questions about the investigation.

In addition to the agent’s statement, a letter was reportedly submitted with the motion, claiming that Johnson was not involved in the robbery or the murders. The letter asserts that Johnson’s participation in the crimes was fabricated or misunderstood.

Johnson, who has maintained his innocence throughout his decades-long incarceration, hopes that the new evidence will lead to a retrial, potentially overturning his conviction. His legal team argues that the withheld information could have been pivotal in his defense during the original trial.

However, the motion for a new trial faces opposition. Comanche County’s first district attorney has stated plans to file a motion to overrule Johnson’s request, contending that the new evidence does not warrant a reconsideration of the case.

The 1984 Geronimo bank robbery shocked the local community, and the subsequent investigation and trial brought national attention to the case. Johnson’s legal battle continues as the motion for a new trial moves through the court system.

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